1.1.07 The SRC, with the above recommendation regarding the residuary part of Hyderabad, had clearly given an indication that, at that point of time in 1955, it was not sure as to whether its immediate merger or unification with Andhra was the best or most satisfactory answer and that is why it wanted enough time to be given to the people of Hyderabad to think about the matter and determine their future after the general elections that were likely to be held after six years or so. Even in the detailed discussion on the subject, the Commission expressed different viewpoints in its report, giving several pros and cons of the two possibilities, such as:-
i) The creation of Vishalandhra is an ideal to which numerous individuals and public bodies, both in Andhra and Telangana, have been passionately attached over a long period of time, and unless there are strong reasons to the contrary, this sentiment is entitled to consideration.
ii) Another advantage of Vishalandhra will be that the development of Krishna and Godavari rivers will thereby be brought under unified control. The Krishna and Godavari projects rank amongst the most ambitious in India. They have been formulated after prolonged period of inactivity,…. Since Telangana as part of Vishalandhra will benefit both directly and indirectly from this development, there is a great deal to be said for its amalgamation with the Andhra State.9(Para 372 : page 104)
iii) The case for Vishalandhra thus rests on arguments which are impressive. The considerations which have been urged in favour of a separate Telangana State are, however, not such as may be lightly brushed aside. (Para 375: page 105)
iv) One of the principal causes of opposition to Vishalandhra also seems to be the apprehension felt by the educationally-backward people of Telangana that they may be swamped and exploited by the more advanced people of the coastal area. In the Telangana district outside the city of Hyderabad education is woefully backward……the real fear of the people of Telangana is that if they join Andhra they will be unequally placed in relation to the people of Andhra and in this partnership the major partner will derive all the advantages immediately while Telangana itself may be converted into a colony by the enterprising coastal Andhra.
The full text of the debate on this issue in the Report of the States Reorganisation Commission (Paras 359 to 393) is given at Appendix 1.2.