The alleged brothel owner Tara Chowdary’s main occupation is not sex trade but blackmail, according to police. Tara, who was arrested on a compliant of forced prostitution and present in police custody, made lot of money by luring important political, business people as well as cops and then blackmailing them with photos and videos taken secretly by her, they say.

According to the police leaks to the media, Tara blackmailed a ruling party MP from Guntur and his son, who was also mayor for sometime and finally got paid Rs 25 lakhs. She trapped a DSP from Kurnool and threatened to expose him through pictures taken in compromising position. But unable to meet her demand to eliminate a businessman that she suggested, he had to beg her to return him the CDs.

According to this unsubstantiated information, a lady associated with NTR family and now supporting YSR Congress Party had contacts with her, but for what purpose is not known. A TDP leader from Adilabad,who presently cut off ties with the party was allegedly trapped by her.

Police claim that two prominent leaders of women’s organizations who spoke in her defence were Tara’s beneficiaries. While one IPS officer helped her getting posts of home guards of persons of her choice, another IPS, known to be actively involved in cultural activities was also among her clientele.

Tara Chowdary will spill more beans in police custody implicating many more VIPs, the cops believe. But given that Tara is known to throw tempers and in the past created many problems for the police, the cops are taking all precautions during her interrogation.